Author name: Andy Finch

Tyranid Infestation.

Here are a few snaps from the 40k Apocalypse game “Tyranid Infestation” at the weekend. The board was 18 feet x 16 feet. Consisting of an plantary airbase, from which all reserves were allocated. A Power station, for various objectives, cooling and power storage units, these affected the city shield, and various other implications, electrified fences, […]

Tyranid Infestation. Read More »

Dresden 27 August 1813. Here is the first of the notes, we shall add the pictures in good time.

Day Two… Preamble 9.00am Looking northwards from the Tsar’s position on the hills before Dresden and the Gross Garten, the left has Schwarzenberg’s Austrians deployed with a Korps under Colloredo [2 battalions of grenzers, 6 of fusiliers, 2 of landwehr plus a foot battery and 2 regiments of hussars] furthest to the left while Merville’s

Dresden 27 August 1813. Here is the first of the notes, we shall add the pictures in good time. Read More »